Macintosh-related Internet resources -- Apple Corporation servers
This page was last updated Sunday, September 17, 1995.
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- ALUG (Apple Library Users Group) Newsletter <URL:gopher://>
- Apple Business System Division - "This anonymous FTP archive ( is maintained by Apple's Apple Business Systems Division Product Technical Support department. It is used - to distribute beta and experimental software to field test sites - to receive debugging data from test sites and others - to distribute a variety of software and information which may be peripherally related or completely unrelated to Apple's business, and which is offered for purely informational purposes. " <URL:>
- Apple Computer Higher Education Gopher Server - "We also want to maintain useful information for the higher education community. This folder is continuously being developed." <URL:gopher://>
- Apple Computer, Incorporated <URL:>
- Apple Press Releases <URL:gopher://>
- Apple Product Descriptions <URL:gopher://>
- Apple product listings and product support <URL:>
- Apple-Internet Mailing Lists Home Page - "This is the home page for the Apple-Internet family of mailing lists. It contains pointers to information sources of use to people using Macintosh computers on the Internet." <URL:>
- Macintosh Product Guide, by Apple Computer, Inc. - "This database contains information about Macintosh products from publishers around the world. There are currently around 14,000 products listed, with more added every month. " <URL:>
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This page was last created by Eric. Please feel free to send comments.